On Wednesday night, two lives were tragically lost in a collision on Mount Hermon Road in Scotts Valley.
Two vehicles collided catastrophically between the stretches of Skypark Drive and Lockhart Gulch Drive. Currently, authorities are investigating the circumstances that led to this terrible incident.
Unfortunately, the consequences of this incident are devastating, with the loss of two lives. Among the victims were a man and a woman, who were traveling together in one of the vehicles involved in the accident.
As a result of this tragic collision, Mount Hermon Road is closed in both directions. Authorities anticipate that this road will remain blocked for several hours as the investigation and necessary cleanup work are carried out.
This unfortunate accident on Mount Hermon Road serves as a reminder of the importance of caution while driving and respecting all traffic safety regulations. Our deepest condolences go out to the families and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time.
If you find yourself involved in an accident in California caused by someone else’s negligence, seek legal support from Ayuda California. Our award-winning legal team is prepared to aggressively fight for your rights and obtain the maximum compensation you deserve.